Local Musician In Conversation – Simon Worlo Paying Homage to his Heroes.

Simon Worlo has been a regular down The Colonel [1] jams for many years, originally starting on bass before moving to singing and playing guitar. It comes to no surprise for Simon to have a strong affinity to the early electric blues era from the late 1940s and early 1950s, which he delivers as "Simon Worlo & The Colonel", or with Trev Gollagher as "The King Tones".   Trev, Simon and The Colonel "Muddy Waters first caught my ear. Through research and listening I [...]

By |2021-07-23T12:16:08+10:00July 23rd, 2021|(default), News, Reviews and Events, The Groove|

Back In The Day – Perspectives From The Front Row

(in this months installment of "Back In The Day", long-time BASEQ supporter Mick Power arranged an article from an enthusiastic audience member at the time, Maggie deKort, to share her experiences) People say to me “don’t you hate being your age” no way if I wasn’t this age I would never have gone through the best music years ever, and this is where it all started for me!  I was only 12 years old when I heard Love Me Do on the radio, The Beatles, saw [...]

By |2021-07-22T17:46:57+10:00July 22nd, 2021|Back In The Day, The Groove|

Vintage Electric Guitars: Are they all they are cracked up to be? (by Dale Robbins)

What defines whether a guitar is collectible? Is it the sentimentality of one of the classic designs from a bygone era that was used by great musicians of the past? Ie. Jimi Hendrix’s Fender, Jimmy Pages’ Les Paul… Is it the superior sound that old guitars possess? Is it because they aren’t “made that way” anymore? Is it because they easier to play? Down the biggest rabbit hole of all guitardom we go! … And the answer is…. It’s a very subjective issue but Vintage guitars [...]

By |2021-07-22T14:30:39+10:00July 22nd, 2021|Back In The Day, The Groove|