Blues Collection – 90 CDs & Magazines for FREE

One of our Blues supporters is having a cleanout and would like to find a new home for his 90 Blues Collection CDs and associated magazines that he has - see link and photo. The Blues Collection" was a magazine series devoted to examining the wealth of history surrounding the emergence of 'electric blues' and the artists concerned. Each issue, published between 1993 & 1997, was devoted to an artist's work and was accompanied by a compilation recording of their songs. Some issues covered a mix of [...]

By |2020-01-16T17:12:06+10:00January 16th, 2020|News, Reviews and Events|

Bushfire Appeal Gig

17 Band Lineup at Bushfire Appeal Gig! By Tracey Hammell Australia is in shock at the devastation reeked by the fires leading up to Christmas and continuing into 2020. For those of us glued stiffly to the edge of our seats on the sideline, it is unimaginable to us what our fellow mates and animal folk are facing. Our emotions seem to lay somewhere between sheer relief and almost guilt at being safe ourselves, while others are fighting for their lives. Helpless is how many of [...]

By |2020-01-15T12:42:42+10:00January 10th, 2020|News, Reviews and Events, The Groove|