Can you lend us a hand to keep our association alive and growing?
The Blues Association of South East Qld warmly invites you to join us at our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on Sunday the 25th of September 2022 at 11 am at The Royal Mail Hotel, Goodna.
Have you thought of playing a more active part in promoting Blues music?
It may surprise you to know that even 2 or 3 hours of your time per month can have a big impact! BASEQ is a totally volunteer run, not-for-profit organisation so every helping hand counts to keep the blues alive!
Being a committee member or volunteer is a rewarding way to give back to our blues community and a great way to make friends.
Several Committee members, including the President, and Vice President will be stepping down this year to pursue other interests. As is usually the case ALL roles on the committee are declared vacant on the day so this is YOUR opportunity to get on board and really help keep Blues music live and growing and to support our musicians and venues.
You can: nominate yourself or another to join the committee; register as a casual volunteer; or simply attend the AGM to lend support. For your convenience, nomination and proxy forms are available for download from our website
… and right here as links to click on (PDF and Microsoft Word versions)
Please print, complete and scan back to or post to PO Box 1072, Indooroopilly Centre Q4068.
Through your support BASEQ strives to:
- promote live music venues
- support local, interstate & international bands through festivals, jams and social media
- nurture new musicians and encourage the growth of blues within the younger generations by mentoring and example
- increase opportunities for existing artists
- foster a community of friendship through music
We look forward to meeting you at the AGM
Thank you for your Support
BASEQ Committee
Help the Royal Mail by practicing good hygiene while at the venue.